If the player picks up an Abu Token in two levels, a. The Lion King in particular was Dark Souls before there was Dark Souls – it will chew you up and spit you out and you'll be left wondering how a game based on a children's movie came to be so freaking difficult. When the player runs out of Genie Tokens or if they land on a picture of Jafar, the minigame will end. The following is a list of games we have Game Genie Codes for games on SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive. Aladdin is a platform game based on the 1992 film of the same name developed by Virgin Games USA. If you're going to buy this compilation, you should know what you're getting yourself into, because neither The Lion King nor Aladdin are games to be trifled with.

The Genie bonus round is a game of luck played for apples, gems or extra lives. Console Cameo: Sega Genesis systems are visible in the background within Genies lamp. Finding Genie or Abu icons enables bonus rounds. I still have not beat The Lion King legitimately.Īllow me to start by saying that Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King is not for the lily-livered or those who are weak of spirit. A description of tropes appearing in Aladdin (Virgin Games). They've done so by way of compilation called Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King, which is out today on Nintendo Switch (the version I reviewed), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, giving me another chance to finally break this game and claim the renown I'm owed.

Luckily for me – this 30-something grown man with a chip on his shoulder because he could never beat a video game back in the day – developer Digital Eclipse and publisher Nighthawk Interactive have brought both Aladdin and The Lion King into the modern era.